Monday, December 14, 2015

10 Important Life Realisations

I always knew it but had forgotten in the insecure atmosphere of last 1-1/2 year.
  1. It's OK to have less... 

    Spend less. Happiness is not directly proportional to your pay check. It's directly proportional to spending time with your loved ones.
  2. Its OK to wear again what you have worn earlier. 

    No body pays attention to what brands you are wearing, It's important to be neat, clean and decently put together.  We wear just a few favorite clothes, fewer pieces of jewellery, a few pairs of shoes, and still fewer handbags
  3. Wholesome homemade food is good food. 

    Eating out should be restricted.It reflects, adversely, on your health not on your status.
  4. Live the way you want to.

    No one is impressed by what car you are driving and what house you are living in They are all busy with their own things and if someone does they are not your kind of people.
  5. Love yourself.Follow your heart. 

    You live only once. Live it up!
  6. Cultivate a hobby.

     Learn to play an instrument, paint, cycle or whatever you have always wanted to do. It helps you get i touch with your inner self and that is enlightening.
  7. Learn to dance

    It liberates you, gives you a sense of peace, coordination, balance and exercises your body and mind
  8. Read books.

    They bring the world to your table. Nothing more needs to be said yet they give you a vision, a broader perspective and sometimes lessons that last a life-time
  9. Travel to broaden your horizon.

    On travel, there are beautiful untouched places in our own country and we travel for our relaxation and exploration not to impress others.
  10. Be there .

    For the people in your life Your parents, children,siblings,friends and those who have less than you have. Dignity and respect comes from being there and being good when you are needed.

Monday, December 7, 2015

The Castle Wedding @Kanota

#Guddudavyah kahin bhi hota, mujhe to jaana hi tha

I was looking forward to the invitation! Yes I would be lying if I say that I didn't care. There was not an iota of doubt that it was going to be grand and exclusive. everyone wanted to be on the invitee list.

The pre-wedding function was where it started. We reached the small town and I was surprised as well as reassured with the warm welcome we got from the family. These are the times when you realise that the genuine feeling and love you had nurtured when you were young are priceless and long lasting. Some people are as genuine as you are. The blast that we all had made us miss some who were not there. we bonded again over vodka, cofffe, mithai and gossip.

Yes Indian weddings are all about relatives and gossip, gaudy clothes and loads of jewellery but its also about extended families bonding and your children meeting your favourite cousins. I saw our children get to know each other and it brought me immense satisfaction that the legacy will be carried on for at least the next generation. I feel that its the need of the hour that extended families relate what with single child units becoming the norm.

The journey to Kanota for me was filled with fun, laughter, dancing to Pujabi Songs in the taxi with the young brigade and eatig potato chips and polo, after the anxiety that we won't be able to pack everything we needed and load it on the vehicles was over!

A breathtaking place, spacious suites, big lawns, a blue pool and so many trees and animals around, it is perfect destination for a big Indian wedding. Two days passed as if in a wink. The castle was specially lighted up with fairy lights and colured lights,orb like lamps hung from trees and hundrends of votive candles lighted aroud the concrete was if you had come to dream palace. The effort which the bride, her groom and their families had put in the planning was evident. THe food, the ambience, the convenience and luxury were unparalleled

Small things like the photoframes where you could get yourselves clicked, the billboards relating the couples love story and the scooter which was a witness and auxillary to the law students getting hitched being made the centre of attention were brilliant which made the evening special and relevant. It felt great to see that they were proud of their connection and unabashed about it. The new generation is open, self-confident and brazen about their choices and financially independent to be able to carry it on. I am proud of the change and relieved too.

It was a fun wedding, no tears, people dressing-up and faces made up to the tee whereas the bride was so elegantly dressed with her natural beauty and radiance that she needed minimal make-up. Little girls in lehengas and shararas, touting about their maang teekas and bangles. Cousins, children and ladies having meals together, taking strolls, calling out each other, shouting and laughing. The bride's cousins gave a swashbuckling bhangra performance and the elders got on the stage muddling it all up and making it all the more enjoyable. About 3000 pictures and selfies were clicked unofficially.

Money was spent like anything. Lakhs spent as short change but like the bride's mother concluded, it was worth the glow of happiness on our daughters face. It was indeed a grand wedding and a memorable event.

Well done Guddu and Nishant for planning this beautiful wedding and Thanks Ricky Di for making me an integral part of it.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Me: Must write something bright!
True!  I am happy these days
Heart: Haven’t you noticed the plight
Really! Are you sure?

Me: whose plight are you implying?
My family and friends are all fine
Heart: The several who are dying
The little ones being attacked

Me: but what can I do about it?
I didn’t perpetrate the crimes
Heart: Express your anguish damn it!
Only then celebrate the festival of light

Yes! I am a poet, a writer. Someone who is just trying to make a foothold in this vast and diverse society after having suffered and struggled a lot. Like many others I also wanted to dwell on personal happiness and festivities and shopping. I also wanted to clean my own house or maybe even the street. 

And yet, today, my heart pains to see what the nation has come to. Toddlers being raped and killed, religious fanaticism, communal disharmony, suppression of basic freedom and much more. Are we progressing? This is not progress, this is digression. We are a modern nation with 70% population under the age of 35 but we are moving toward archaic times where sectarianism, bigotry and intolerance are becoming the norm. Freedom of expression, speech, freedom to follow what we like and eat and wear what we prefer are being questioned.

I pride myself as a modern Indian woman who considers religion as a very personal matter. Also i have grown up in a nation and a city where all strata and sections of society including women  are given the liberty to grow, earn and move around as free citizens. Why are these being curtailed? Why is no one speaking up. Why cant everyone else feel the anguish? 

How can you celebrate Diwali amidst all this darkness that the nation is plunging into. We need light and a galaxy full of it.

Saturday, July 4, 2015


तुम्हारी याद दिल के एक कोने में अपना घर बनाए बैठी है
के मेरा दिल उस ही का घर बन के रह गया
बाकी जगह खाली ही पड़ी है

कई नये बाशिंदे दस्तक देते हुए  दिल में घर करना चाहते है
मगर ये है कि तुम्हे ही ले के बैठा है
मैं आज़ाद होना भी नही चाहती

पर फिर उस अधूरेपन क्या करूँ
जो तुम्हारे होकर भी होंने का एहसास
हर पल मेरे इसी दिल के हर कोने में भर देता है

तुम लौट नही सकते हर शख्स मुझे ये समझता है
मैं नही समझा पाती उन्हे कि  लौट के तो वो आता है
जो कहीं जा भी सका हो, तुम तो गये ही नही

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Dry Tears

My tears run in my veins like
The waters of a secret river
Hidden but ceaselessly flowing

I cry silently in vain while
Waves of grief fragmenting
My inner sanctum break

And memories, oh! they hound
Like the caverns in Xanadu silent
With a war waged underneath

I too want to soften and cry
Crumble like the earth wasted
Yet that’s a luxury I can’t afford

Thursday, April 9, 2015


From the same tree born
From the same seed grown
One given all shade and nurtured
Other left to languish deserted
A shallow reason they had
You won’t carry our name, they said

That was an excuse so flimsy
They always were in the sway
Of partisan mindset and thought
That taught them to discriminate
Should they be forgiven again as ever?
And then perhaps be forgotten forever?

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Every Day is Our Day

Well I don't agree with having a "Women's Day" designated to celebrate our existence. We exist and we do undeniably. In fact the whole man(?)kind exists because we do.

Women have let themselves be eulogized as daughters, sisters, wives and mothers and so have let their own self worth go to the dogs. Before a woman is any of these she is herself; a beautiful creation of the Almighty who has her own needs, her own preferences, her own desires, her own views and most importantly her own life.

Yes we exist; as ourselves, for ourselves and then for others. It is an added responsibility, to be someone’s daughter, sister, mother, wife or girlfriend. In some cases the role is natural and in some cases we take it on. Ironically every such role has criteria laid out by men and thus it is for their satisfaction and fulfillment of only their needs. They have succeeded in controlling us, overpowering us and bringing us to this point that we have to assert the mere fact that we exist. We have allowed our maternal and lovers instinct to overflow and never realized that we are not asserting ourselves and losing ground.

Even today on Women’s Day we are letting men praise us for being great sisters, daughter etc. and then women. I protest. I want to be first the woman that I am, free, independent and self-reliant and then willingly take up the roles I choose and give them as much as everybody else in the loop does. Why am I expected to give more? I don’t want to be the self-effacing, self-depriving Ideal woman. Whose ideals are they anyways?

Who are men to postulate these ideals? Who gave them this right? Why do they make the rules for us? The answer is because we have let them. In return of protection from the sexual atrocities that they ‘think’ they can perpetrate on us. They think that because we have let ourselves be vulnerable and weak. A man can walk in his underwear on national television but a woman in a bikini is not tolerated even on a beach. A penis doesn’t have to be virgin but a vagina has to be. A man who beds many women is a stud but such a woman is a slut. In both cases two consenting adults mate with each other for sexual satisfaction, neither uses the other so why attach such labels. I refuse to be called the weaker sex or the other (better or worse) half. I am a complete entity, comprising a microcosm in myself.

Some simple self-defense techniques, a sound education, a belief in our own worth as ourselves, a pride in our sexuality and demystifying virginity is what we need to assert ourselves. I too want to celebrate today but I want to celebrate the spirit of self-worth first as an individual not overshadowed by gender. I want to celebrate my love for myself. I stand for me being a human being first, and as equal as any other human being on this earth. I stand for someone who is her own self first. Women don’t need a day dedicated to them, they need to catch everyday by its horns and make the most of it.

Every day is our day. 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

4 things I learnt - “Turning Forty”

Wanted to write something on the lines of 10 best things that happen to you at forty but realized that it is not my style

I can surely say that I learnt at least ‘One Big Idea’ in a decade.

Decade One- Effort Is All What It Takes:
 The first 10 years were full of play and carefree times. I remember when I didn’t score that well in grade 5 (I did well but not by my teachers’ or parents’ standards) My mom told me that if I studied more I would score more and I shot back that if no effort brings in this so many marks, why make an effort!!! Yet I decided to work more and see if it made a difference and it did! So here’s a toast to my Mom and Dad who left no stones un-turned to make a better person

Decade Two- Friends Are For Life And Love Is Fickle:
The friends I made back then are still in my life and still care a lot…They won’t let me cry, they won’t let me mope and my happiness is still important to them. Even those who were in love including me and those around me are better friends till date than they are lovers. Siblings too and in my case specially I forged a loving and enduring bond which is solid support. So here’s another toast, for my dearest Brother Abhishek to everyone but my Chintu.

Decade Three- If Life Gives You Lemons Make Lemonade And Drink It Away
It was mostly rough when carving a niche in the world but there were beautiful intervals of love and fulfillment, what with a child coming in your life! Naman my son has completed me with being born to me. Struggle, bad relationships, losses all can be taken in stride when you see an innocent face smiling at you. At this you also learn to deal with the world. It can take you on a ride this decade and then throw you flat on your face. What is essential is that you rise up again and start walking again. Here my adopted family, my in-laws came into picture and what a beautiful family it has turned out to be, enlightened, broadminded and loving. Thanks to them I am what I am today! Especially my father –in-law who valued me and loved me just like his own daughter.

Decade Four- Life Goes On!
Life goes on! It transforms you, breaks you, chisels you and you find your own self. For me my thirties turned out to be self-exploratory. I looked more within, became a more balanced person, calmer, more at ease with myself and peaceful. I experienced extremes of anger and hatred from others and from within myself but learnt to deal with it. Some beautiful people came in my life and changed it forever. Saroj I Love you! And Asheesh – you changed my life. Love the most illusionary mirage let me discover itself.
Tragedy struck and I lost my life partner. It all stopped for some time but then came the most valuable lesson; you have to go on. The memories remain but the person is not there. You can’t die with him, so better live and live the way he would have wanted you to! Here too friends and family again stood by me but the one person who was rock solid was my Bhabhi; Ashima you are the only actually named here. I love you!

So here I am toasting my 40th with the people I love and cherish and with the memories of my late husband, who had always wanted me to live, grow and have a good time. I know Raman you would be happy to see me happy.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Parallel Lives

Common hopes
Similar dreams
Two parallel lives
Never converging
Same beliefs
Different decisions
Running together
Yet running apart
Hasty decisions
Rigid conclusions
Who could tell then
Who could guess
Life runs it's course
Battered but undefeated
We never meet yet
Are together till infinity

Monday, January 5, 2015

The Chase

Life's battles lonely harsh
All toil, sweat and blood
And the prize but a mirage

A long road, endless days
Futile pursuits of dreams
And the prize only shadows 

A happy or a sad phase
Nowhere the realisation
That its but a fruitless chase