Friday, October 21, 2016

My North Pole Trip; A story by Bikram Singla, my 2nd grade student


It was the first adventure of my life . I bought three tickets from Delhi to North Pole. We three friends were very enthusiastic. During the flight all I could think was the fun we will have.  When we landed we went to our igloo. We wore the arctic suits. We hung our bags,I slung my camera around my neck and we set off to explore. There was only snow everywhere around. I and my friends clicked photos with Polar Bears and penguins. We decided to celebrate the rest of place in next morning.

Then I took out my GPS and looked for a restaurant. Then we went  there and ate food. We went back to our igloo and slept tight. In the morning my friends and I went to a coffee shop and drank hot coffee. It was such a relief in such cold. But we didn't know that worse things were on the wait for us.  

 As we set out excitedly on our trek we heard a splash and a cry. As I looked back Mehul was thrashing his hands about neck deep in icy water. He had slipped on thin ice covering a lake and it had broken. We pulled him out with the help of some men. He was shivering with cold. We took him back and I gave him some dry clothes to wear. He fell ill with high fever and had to be taken back. Our trip was cut short and we landed in Delhi next day.