Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Every Kiss Counts

Every kiss counts
Every moment a varied hue

The imagined first kiss
Which still exists in my heart

The shy unspoken one
Which still lingers on your lips

The hasty half kiss
Abandoned when someone came

The hazy drunk one
Details forgotten yet real

The filial caring kiss
Planted on the forehead softly

The daily hurried one
Brushing the cheek saying bye

Lastly the complete on the mouth kiss
Passionate, satiating and intense

And every time with every kiss
I possess a little more of you.

Thursday, February 7, 2019


He didn't give me 
A rose today. 
Neither did I 
We never do
We never have

A rose means love
They say, we don't. 
Love to us means
Many different things 
Roses may or may not

Our love is ours
I give it to him
He to me. 
That is enough
For what is Us.